Root Causes of Migraines

February 12, 2025

Migraines are confusing, frustrating, and debilitating. The conventional approach to migraines usually includes managing symptoms with over-the-counter and prescription medications.

As a Functional Dietitian, I want to know WHY does someone have migraines. Many clients feel confused by their migraines because they can come on at random times or constantly. Root causes and triggers of migraines can range from gut issues to nutrient deficiencies. Finding out root causes of migraines are essential to creating a healing plan that actually works!

Nutrition causes of hormones

Our nutrition can have a big impact on migraines. These are foundational aspects of nutrition that may be playing a role in migraines:

  • Water & electrolyte balance
  • Blood sugar
  • Nutrient deficiencies, especially
    • Magnesium
    • B vitamins
    • Iron
  • Food sensitivities
    • Gluten and dairy are the most common
  • Anti-inflammatory diet
  • Eliminating/decreasing alcohol

Gut Health, Detox and Hormone causes of migraines

Most of our immune system lives in our gut. This means that the gut can be a big source of inflammation. Inflammation that starts in the gut can travel systemically and affect other areas of the body, like the brain! Learn more about leaky gut and systemic inflammation here.

  • Gut microbiome imbalances
    • SIBO
    • Candida/yeast
    • Low beneficial bacteria
    • High histamine-producing bacteria
    • Parasites
    • High/low immune and inflammatory markers
  • Toxin esposure
    • Heavy metals
    • Mold
    • Pesticides
  • Hormones
    • Menstrual cycle imbalances
    • Thyroid levels
    • Cortisol levels/stress

Lifestyle causes of migraines

Sometimes even the healthiest routine and lifestyle can be adding more stress to our bodies. Finding food stress managment, nervous system support and sleep is essential for keeping migraines away.

  • Poor stress managment
  • Feeling unsafe in life, environemnt
  • Poor sleep routine or sleep quality
  • Too much/too little exercise
  • Toxic personal care/home/kitchen products

Oral, breathing and muscular causes of migraines

These are often overlooked, but important factors to consider when dealing with migraines.

  • Sleep apnea
  • Tongue posture or mouth breathing
  • TMJ
  • Structrual issues with the neck and shoulders
  • Muscle tightness
  • Allergies
  • Sinus issues like deviated septums
  • Histamine or Mast Cell Activation

**many of these would involve referrals to specialists (ex: chiropractors, myofunctional therapists, dentists, ENT’s, etc)


Not everyone with migraines has all of these issues, but healing from migraines takes a multifaceted and personalized approach! Working with a practitioner that takes a holistic approach and addresses all or most of these factors is essential for building a healing protocol that actually works!

Who do I work with?

I work with clients who are dedicated to changing their health. Making dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and taking supplements are part of the healing journey.