This is my version of my in and out list for 2024. For now, I am reflecting on the 3 things that made the biggest impact on my health throughout a year of major life changes (starting my own business, traveling, moving, etc). And with that, here’s my 2023 recap:
1. Increasing My Protein Intake
I talk about adequate protein intake with clients all the time so imagine my surprise when I took a step back and realized that I wasn’t always eating enough protein either! Some days I was in autopilot mode and wasn’t getting enough protein. Since re-focusing on protein, I’ve noticed more sustained energy, fewer cravings, and better workout recovery.

2. Focusing on Community
Let’s be real, WFH life can get lonely. In 2023, I made a conscious effort to get out and seek community through yoga classes, workouts, and fun events. I learned that burnout is not only from doing too many things that bring us down, but also from not doing enough things that lift us up. We are lacking joy and connection. I am so grateful for so many new friends this year thanks to making connecting a top priority. This also led me to host my first-ever in-person retreat and I can’t wait to host more!
3. Getting Serious About Screen-Time Boundaries

Speaking of things that drain us, social media is 100% an energy suck for me. We’ve all gotten stuck in the vortex of mindless scrolling and know how bad it can make us feel. To hold myself accountable, I downloaded an app to block my social media apps in the mornings and evenings. The biggest habit I wanted to break was mindlessly scrolling immediately upon waking up. I now block my social media apps until 9:00 am and WOW do I notice a difference! I won’t lie, I still take a peek at my phone when I wake up, checking the weather or answering texts. Still, eliminating Instagram scrolling has improved my overall focus and mood for the entire day.
To recap, thank you all for an awesome 2023, and wishing you all a healthy 2024!
~ Tamara