Welcome to TLWC's Blog

If you're here, you'll find nutritional topics and advice from myself, Tamara Luck, RDN. Grab your coffee (or tea) and stay awhile.

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radish and carrots

As we move into warmer spring weather with summer on the horizon, it’s an exciting time to try some local produce! In the New England area, the amount of in-season produce increases significantly in the spring and summertime. Choosing seasonal produce can help with digestion, provides nutrient-rich produce and supports local farmers! May Seasonal Produce […]

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I was recently introduced to Mayari a private chef through a friend who thought we shared similar values and outlooks on health and food – they were right! It was so awesome to chat with Mayari and learn from how to eat more seasonally and how she uses principles of eating seasonally and locally into […]

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arugula leaves

What foods to eat to naturally support your detox and drainage pathways and gut health.

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Check out my go-to recommendations for a mindful holiday. Eat the foods you love while still feeling good.

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Many clients I work with are not eating enough protein at breakfast, are you? Hint: one egg is not enough.

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Having good blood sugar balance is the key to avoiding inflammation throughout the whole body. Read here to learn more about blood sugar balance and its importance: BLOOD SUGAR FOUNDATIONS BLOG POST Now that we understand the importance of blood sugar balance, my personal favorite blood sugar balancing hack is this: EAT YOUR VEGGIES FIRST! […]

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Keep reading for a bright, fruity, AND deeply hydrating electrolyte drink! Most clients I see are chronically dehydrated. This could be a result of too little water or too much water with not enough electrolytes. For example, some people aim for 100 oz of water per day but end up just as dehydrated as those […]

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Intermittent Fasting (IF) has become increasingly popular and understandably so! Many people who try IF report many benefits including increased energy, losing weight, and getting better blood labwork markers. However, this isn’t the case for everyone – there is no magic diet that suits us all.  There are many forms of IF, but the most […]

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Welcome to the Foundation’s series where I highlight factors of health that I consider ESSENTIAL to healing and thriving. I talk about these concepts with all of my clients to make sure that they are addressed before we ask the body to do more intense healing. These topics may not be as flashy as what […]

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I offer in-depth 1-on-1 counseling for those looking for a natural approach to their chronic health conditions.