Welcome to TLWC's Blog

If you're here, you'll find nutritional topics and advice from myself, Tamara Luck, RDN. Grab your coffee (or tea) and stay awhile.

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Summer is in full swing! I’ve enjoyed hosting different events around Boston while also taking some time to sit in the sun and relax. I’m trying to make the most of the nice weather by going on daily walks, sitting on my porch to eat lunch, and making day trips to hike or go to […]

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Whether you are an experienced yogi or have never stepped on the mat before, you might find benefits from yoga beyond a physical workout. Yoga may help some with digestion and gut health. In this blog post, we will explore how yoga can enhance gut health, the science behind the gut-brain connection, and practical yoga […]

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Besides flowers, May brought some exciting things! Several clients passed parasites, we’ve improved stubborn cases of insomnia, some clients have lost weight by eating MORE and other clients are celebrating getting pregnant! Regardless if your health wins have been big, small, or teeny tiny, it’s important to celebrate along the way! I am also so […]

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close up view of two specimens

*This blog is not intended to diagnose or treat and disease or disorder. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before making any health changes. So your bloodwork all came back within normal range but you don’t feel normal – what does this mean? This doesn’t mean that your symptoms aren’t real! Keep reading to know why […]

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I’ll admit that I don’t have any exciting new health obsessions from April. I’ve loved trying out new recipes, mocktails and experimenting with what/how much I’ve been drinking (see above for my mocktail recipe!).  Otherwise, something I’ve been thinking a lot about is how inspiring it is to be surrounded by people who put effort […]

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radish and carrots

As we move into warmer spring weather with summer on the horizon, it’s an exciting time to try some local produce! In the New England area, the amount of in-season produce increases significantly in the spring and summertime. Choosing seasonal produce can help with digestion, provides nutrient-rich produce and supports local farmers! May Seasonal Produce […]

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Last week I hosted a fun event at a local non-alcoholic beverage store called Dray Drinks in Boston’s South End. The store itself is gorgeous with beautiful bottles and a bright mural. They have a wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages. Beyond that what really drew me to the store was their selection of functional beverages […]

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I was recently introduced to Mayari a private chef through a friend who thought we shared similar values and outlooks on health and food – they were right! It was so awesome to chat with Mayari and learn from how to eat more seasonally and how she uses principles of eating seasonally and locally into […]

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Do you feel the hint of spring in the air? I sure do! I spent March soaking up the last of winter by skiing, eating warm, nourishing soups, and embracing the season I used to dread. It amazes me that I went from HATING winter to loving it! Talk about a mindset shift, huh?! Speaking […]

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February was an intense month! Many of you have shared big life changes (some exciting, some scary!), felt stuck, or felt overwhelming emotions. It’s nice to know we aren’t facing these shifts alone. My favorites include new mineral-rich electrolytes, my favorite natural botox alternative, and a warming veggie stew. Personally, I was dealing with a […]

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I offer in-depth 1-on-1 counseling for those looking for a natural approach to their chronic health conditions.